Strategic Plan

This Strategic Plan for the HEI FET Forum has been developed following the establishment of a national network of Higher Education Institutions engaged in the development and provision of third level professional qualifications for those working or intending to work in the Further Education and Training (FET) sector in Ireland.

The purpose of this Strategic Plan is to further engage members in the advancement of teaching, learning and research in the Further Education and Training sector and to widen the Forum’s engagement with stakeholders across FET. The strategic goals of the HEI FET Forum as articulated in the Forum’s Strategy document are outlined below.

HEI FET Forum: Statement of Strategy 2021 - 2025 (Draft)

Professional Development

Development and delivery of high quality practitioner
orientated professional development initiatives and
programmes that prepare practitioners for working
in the sector and that support responses to societal,
economic and industry challenges.


Develop and contribute to an emergent field of research in Further Education and Training (FET). Assemble a repository of research proposals, secure funded research and determine targets for peer-reviewed research publication.

The Forum seeks to engage with and influence national policy for the sector, and has established links with the Teaching Council, SOLAS, Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI), the Further Education Practitioner Network (FEN), Quality Qualifications Ireland (QQI), the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and other stakeholders across the FET sector.

Policy and Advocacy

Build relationships with key national and international stakeholders and advisory bodies with a view to contributing to national policy.

Engagement with Practitioners

Engage with practitioners in FET through collaboration at a national and regional level with Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI), the Further Education Network (FEN), Further Education Support Services (FESS) and other relevant FET practitioner bodies and networks.

Pedagogy in FET

Promote and model adult learning theories, philosophies, and pedagogies in FET teaching and learning activities.